Sharon Rondeau Appeals To The Vatican???

Sharon Rondeau Always

Sharon Rondeau Just Had A Thing For Big Lugs In Uniform (Click on Image to Activate.)

Well, once again I got a document from a secret source. This one purports to be an Open Letter from Sharon Rondeau to Pope Francis. I am not sure if it is for real or not, but following her recent missive to the Pentagon, who knows?  (see Note 2 below.) The letterhead seems genuine. Anyway, I report, you decide! Here’s the letter. Just click on it to make it larger. There is also a pdf of the letter which follows the image, which is also very easy to read.

Birther Letter to the Pope

Here is a pdf file of the letter:

Birther Letter to the Pope

Sooo, I don’t know if that was real or not. Which, it is kind of a shame when a group of people do so many silly things that you can’t tell for sure whether something is real, or just a parody.

Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter

Note 1. The Image. Once again, this is an image from the great 1954 film, Devil Girl From Mars. I really like using this film for Sharon Rondeau. You can watch the entire film at youtube:

The Image Easter Egg is based on R.U.R., one of the first stories about robots. Wiki says,

R.U.R. is a 1920 science fiction play in the Czech language by Karel Čapek. R.U.R. stands for Rossum’s Universal Robots, an English phrase used as the subtitle in the Czech original.[1] It premiered in 1921 and introduced the word “robot” to the English language and to science fiction as a whole.[2]

R.U.R. quickly became famous and was influential early in the history of its publication.[3][4][5] By 1923, it had been translated into thirty languages,[3][6]

The play begins in a factory that makes artificial people, made of synthetic organic matter, called “robots.” Unlike the modern usage of the term, these creatures are closer to the modern idea of cyborgs or even clones, as they can be mistaken for humans and can think for themselves. They seem happy to work for humans, although that changes, and a hostile robot rebellion leads to the extinction of the human race. Čapek later took a different approach to the same theme in War with the Newts, in which non-humans become a servant class in human society.

R.U.R is dark but not without hope, and was successful in its day in both Europe and the United States.[citation needed] John Clute has lauded R.U.R. as “a play of exorbitant wit and almost demonic energy” and lists the play as one of the “classic titles” of inter-war science fiction.[7]

There is a lot more at the link. Czech it out!

Note 2. Sharon Rondeau’s Letter to the Pentagon. The Birther Think Tank ran a story yesterday about Ms. Rondeau contacting the  military authorities about Obama’s eligibility.

The story is also at her website, but it is hidden behind the paywall. There is a link in my story to ORYR where you can read the whole thing:

About Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter

I am a Girl Reporter on the Internet. I am 36 Plus I am a INTP. I have a Major in Human Kinetics, and a Minor in English. Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter View all posts by Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter

5 responses to “Sharon Rondeau Appeals To The Vatican???

  • Mitch

    I think you’ve been punked, Squeeky; she would have begun the letter “Dear Frankie:”

  • Reality Check

    Hey Sharon is slow but finally got around to mentioning her letter.


    I am really miffed that RC Radio was not named as a smear organization by Rondoo and Squeeky’s blog was. What did I do wrong? I really tried. i suppose I need to pay more attention to Sharon. Let’s see what we can do about that. 😉

  • Reality Check

    Squeeky you know it was bad form to disappear on us like this. At least let us know you are OK. :insert finger wagging emoticon here:

    I can’t believe you are not writing again. There is such good material to work with. Vogt’s super-secret-sealed daffydavitt alone is worth an article or two. Come on. Miki Booth and Johanna Ah’Nee forged Obama’s birth certificate? You could not make that up in a hundred years. Oh wait Doug Vogt did make it up.

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