
Sometimes A Place Needs A Major Overhaul

Today, The Birther Think Tank is an Anti-Birther website. But,  prior to April 27, 2011, it was a Birther website. This is the only website I am aware of which has made that turnaround. On April 27, 2011, Obama coughed up his long form birth certificate, and it was just time to move on. The questions were answered to my satisfaction. Internet Articles from that period and shortly thereafter may be found under the Pre-Long Form Birtherism category.  

However, I was never one of the two citizen-parent Birthers and always thought that stuff was a bunch of nonsense. Those Birthers are people who believe it takes two citizen parents for a person to be a natural born citizen and eligible for the presidency. Their beliefs are based primarily on the writings of Emerich de Vattel in his book, The Law of Nations. (Sometimes I purposely mis-spell his name as Vattle to tease them.) These people are either liars, or innocent dupes who believe the core of liars.  The law is clear that if you are born in the United States, and are not the child of a diplomat or invading soldier, then you are a natural born citizen.

As of October 1, 2011, The Birther Think Tank officially changed its original mission to include the de-bunking of the imaginary two citizen-parent theory.  Then, on November 24, 2011, The Birther Think Tank made the full 180 degree turn and went full-bore Anti-Birther.  The Reality is, that the birth certificate issue is just over. There is no longer any room for reasonable doubt. Obama proved he was born in Hawaii.  Discussing pixels and layers in online documents is a silly waste of time when compared to 9+% unemployment, and trillion plus dollars per year deficits.

The whole Birther issue, all forms of it, has become nothing but a stupid distraction, and it is way past time for it to end. The Birther Think Tank is dedicated to making that happen.

Please feel free to contact me at any time.

Thank you for reading The Birther Think Tank!!!

Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter

14 responses to “About

  • th3btiam

    Just out of curiosity,

    What was wrong with the valid COLB released before the 2008 election? It is the document a person born in Hawaii would use to prove their birthplace, so why the need for a document that is never used, nor neccesary for proof of citizenship?

    Not being a w@#$&ss; genuinley curious.

    • Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter


      Well, in hindsight nothing was wrong with it. During that time period, though, I found it relevant that Obama didn’t go ahead and release the long form, and tried to figure out why he wouldn’t. At the time of the November 2010 elections, something like 58% of the country had some degree of doubt where he was born.

      It was sooo bad that even Chris Matthews was wanting him to cough it up.

      But, when he did finally release it in April 2011, then I was satisfied.

      Squeeky Fromm
      Girl Reporter

      • Monkey Boy

        He didn’t release the long form because there was no long form. Hawaii stopped producing them earlier.

        The President had to receive a special dispensation for the production of a “long form” BC.

        • Monkey Boy

          IIRC, Miki Mouth claimed that she was going to get LFBC’s for her children and was refused since the state was no longer issuing them. She harassed them until the state issues an informational document without certification.

    • Rambo_Ike

      Howdy th3btiam,

      Here’s a few of the many problems with the 2008 short-form COLB:

      ObummO and his handlers were caught lying right from the get-go on that COLB. They claimed due to the many inquiries about his birth certificate they ordered a copy of it just before releasing it in . It was found on the backside to have a “June 2007 date stamp” which led people to believe Camp ObummO and his Hawaiian Health Dept. cronies had been scheming for about a year to put that document together.

      Then it was found that the Hawaiian Home Lands Program wouldn’t accept the short-form COLB as proof of identity and that drove ObummO’s Hawaiian cronies into damage control getting that changed to cover.

      There were contradictory statements over which hospital his mother was alleged to be admitted to. That COLB lacked the name of a hospital. Plus it lacked the name of a doctor or any eyewitness attending the birth.

      Then there was a later problem over who the doctor was. Crony sites like FactCheck & Snopes had named a doctor prior to the phony 2011 long-form release. When the long-form showed a different doctor the sites had to go into scrub mode to keep in lockstep with the ObummO Propaganda Machine.

      Plus the fact that both ObummO & his wife Mooch had both been claiming prior to the release of the 2008 COLB that ObummO was Kenyan and Kenya was his “Home Country”. Would you call them bald-faced liars?

      Hope that helps ya.

      • Monkey Boy


        You really should take a little more care to avoid pointing out your stupidity. You are not on a birther blog here.

        ObummO and his handlers were caught lying right from the get-go on that COLB. They claimed due to the many inquiries about his birth certificate they ordered a copy of it just before releasing it in . It was found on the backside to have a “June 2007 date stamp” which led people to believe Camp ObummO and his Hawaiian Health Dept. cronies had been scheming for about a year to put that document together.

        If the idea is to fabricate a document, who would put a contradictory date on that document. I know birthers are unable to think their ways out of a paper bag, but surely you know you can’t get away with it here.

        There were contradictory statements over which hospital his mother was alleged to be admitted to. .

        That’s a lie. President Obama has always maintained, through spokesmen, that he was born in Kapiolani.

        That COLB lacked the name of a hospital. Plus it lacked the name of a doctor or any eyewitness attending the birth

        So what? The state certification means that the registrar found persuasive evidence of a Honolulu birth, so that settled the matter–practically and legally.

        Then there was a later problem over who the doctor was.

        You are so freakin’ stupid you can’t see the contradiction; the COLB didn’t name a doctor, as you pointed out.

        Plus the fact that both ObummO & his wife Mooch had both been claiming prior to the release of the 2008 COLB that ObummO was Kenyan and Kenya was his “Home Country”. Would you call them bald-faced liars?

        No, but I would call you a stupid liar for telling some that only nitwit birthers would buy into. Plus, you show yourself to be an ill-bred scumbag for referring to OUR Head of State and the First Lady in demeaning terms.

        • Monkey Boy

          And, you didn’t fool anyone with the “jimmy” sockpuppet. Yulia is on to you and pulled my coat.

        • Rambo_Ike

          Yo Boy Monkey,

          From the White House Website:
          “In 2008, in response to media inquiries, the President’s campaign requested his birth certificate from the state of Hawaii. The state sent the campaign the President’s birth certificate, the same legal documentation provided to all Hawaiians as proof of birth in state, and the campaign immediately posted it on the internet.”
          ~~Dan Pfeiffer, White House Communications Director

          It was on that COLB that had a date stamp “June 6th 2007”
          A United Press International article on Nov. 4th 2008 stated that ObummO “described” his birth at Queens Medical Center in Hawaii. At some later date he changed it to Kapiolani Medical Center.
          No contradiction. Since there was no hospital listed on the short-form COLB. Crony site Snopes or FactCheck named a doctor. When a different doctor was later listed on the long-form, they, to keep in lockstep with the latest propaganda from the White House, went into damage control and scrubbed their original claim.
          In 1991 in his book bio ObummO wrote he was born in Kenya.

          ObummO is proud to be back in his “Home Country”:

          Mooch says Kenya is the ObummO’s “Home country”:

          In Kenya ObummO is well known as “The Kenyan Wonder-Boy”
          Why are you & the Gstring having temper tantrums over getting back what you’ve been giving out. You sound like a couple “georgie porgie puddin pies”
          What your opinion on who won the debate? Was it the “Darky” or the “Scary White Dude” ?

      • th3bt

        Lying does not help Rambo Ike. You are wrong. Still. You are a joke.

        • Rambo_Ike


          It’s hard to tell what you’re talking about when you give no details.

          Did you know that the 0bumm0 was an Indonesian prince and his daddy its king?


        • Monkey Boy

          Did you know thatTwinky_Ike is concealing his proclivities from his tea-tard pigeons? What would they think?

          Better to come over to the light, Twink–where is doesn’t matter.

  • TwoWolves

    Why? He was busy killing bin Laden, that’s why.

  • Jimmy

    Before leaving this site please tell us if anything you have read here has in any way changed your opinion about this subject matter. We’d love to know how we’re doing on our mission because after all it is a silly waste of time when compared to 9+% unemployment, and trillion plus dollars per year deficits.

  • Rambo_Ike

    Boy Monkey,

    Ask Squeeky who Yulia & Lena are. I have no idea who Jimmy is, but I can see he has taken you to the Woodshed.

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