Zullo Does The Same Old Song And Dance!!!

Zullo In Lederhosen Hotpants

Dressed In His Patriotic Lederhosen, Zullo Leads A Rousing Chorus Of “This Is MY Country!”

Poo Poo Simmons breathlessly reports that Deputy Mike “The Arizona Kid” Zullo is doing the circuit in Washington D.C. Here are a few excerpts:

PPSIMMONS News and Ministry can now reveal that Mike Zullo is in Washington D.C. today, Monday July 8, to meet with several high-ranking VIPS on Capitol Hill about the Sheriff Arpaio Obama Fraud case.

Mike Zullo, in an exclusive PPSIMMONS News interview said, “Sheriff Arpaio is now pulling out all the stops. We are contacting and meeting with as many people as possible who can make a congressional investigation happen. We possess hard, irrefutable evidence of serious crimes being committed in, by, and around the White House in regards to the identity of Barack Obama. It is time for this evidence to be seen and heard in the proper venues where real results can come to fruition.”

When asked what the latest information was on the investigation Zullo responded, “We have never stopped collecting evidence and conducting further forensics analysis. The further we go with this case the more we are convinced that the evidence we possess is hands-down solid.”

Zullo continued, “What people have to realize is that we are now closer than we have ever been since this investigation started two years ago, to moving this to the level of a congressional investigation. These things are painstakingly slow – they take time. However, it has been astounding the progress we have made ever since we went to CPAC and Capitol Hill just a few months back.”


This is just more of the same old song and dance. Yeah, we’re gonna talk to some VIPs, and ya know, try to git this stuff before a committee, and you know, maybe they’ll do something, because we sure can’t, but boy do we ever have some smoking hot suspicions, I mean evidence. Blah. Blah. Blah

Somehow, I thought when you had a good criminal case, you were supposed to take it to a prosecutor, not to a congressman??? But what is our champion Zullo supposed to do when he has been prissing around for over a year on an investigation, and he doesn’t have any evidence??? Well, he could just come right out and admit there is nothing to the story, and go back home. But that means all the attention ends. Sooo, he tap dances and tries to pass the buck to some un-named VIPs. Then when nothing happens, it’s their fault, not his!

We will see some more of it. Second verse, same as the first.

Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter

Note 1.  This Is My Country! I am not very fond of this song. We had to sing it a lot when I was a kid in Sunday School patriotic type stuff. I preferred Joshua Fit The Battle of Jericho, and Wayfaring Stranger, and Do Lord. Anyway, here is an energetic version:

Note 2. I wasn’t just making up Zullo’s musical routine, was I???

Zullo - This Is My Country

(Click On Image To Make Larger.)

Note 3. Second Verse, Same As The First. As Wiki explains:

“I’m Henery the Eighth, I Am” (also “I’m Henery the VIII, I Am” or “I’m Henry VIII, I Am”; spelled “Henery” but pronounced “‘Enery” in the Cockney style normally used to sing it) is a 1910 British music hall song by Fred Murray and R. P. Weston. It was a signature song of the music hall star Harry Champion. In 1965, it became the fastest-selling song in history to that point when it was revived by Herman’s Hermits, becoming the group’s second number-one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The lead solo on the Hermits’ version was played by the group’s lead guitarist Derek “Lek” Leckenby.

In the well-known chorus, Henery explains that his wife had been married seven times before: The Herman’s Hermits version consists of the chorus sung three times. Between the first two choruses, Peter Noone calls out, “Second verse, same as the first!”

Here is a youtube version of the earlier version:

About Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter

I am a Girl Reporter on the Internet. I am 36 Plus I am a INTP. I have a Major in Human Kinetics, and a Minor in English. Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter View all posts by Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter

3 responses to “Zullo Does The Same Old Song And Dance!!!

  • Frank Bolivar

    Haha Love the Zullo pic.

    I wonder why Gillar was thrown under the bus as the MCCCP/Zullo fluffer and replaced with poo poo Simmoms/Gallups.

    Better lip service perhaps? 😉

  • Todd Carter

    I wonder what Zullo considers “high-ranking VIPs on Capitol Hill.” If he was meeting with these so-called “high-ranking VIPs” yesterday, it’s doubtful they were House or Senate members, as neither chamber was in session until today. Even many staff members were likely on an extended July 4 weekend.

    If Zullo were trying to pick one of the worst days of the year to meet on Capitol Hill with “high-ranking VIPs,” he couldn’t have done much better than selecting the Monday after a late-week July 4 holiday.

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