Tag Archives: Breitbart Reporter

What’s Wrong With This Picture??? (Or, The Great Birther Bait And Switch)

Some People Swore They Saw An Extra Smiley Face In The Image

Well, I usually check out the ObamaReleaseYourRecords website every day to see what’s shaking in the Birther Universe. I have noticed lately that EVERY POST seems to have the same message buried in it, right before the Kerchner Krap  scribd stuff.  Below is a screenshot of part of that message: (Click on the Image to enlarge it.)

Here is the link to this particular example:


Outside of the advertising for Kerchner’s Art2SuperPAC  aka POOPpac did anything else in there  get your attention??? Maybe a little something that doesn’t make sense? Here, let me make it easy:

If someone has DOCUMENTED PROOF of something, why are we being directed to an AUDIO link???   Why aren’t we being directed to a DOCUMENT???  Maybe not to worry. Some guy named Breitbart Reporter Charles Johnson has an audio sooo, let’s go there. Then, when you hit the link, you get taken to this: (Click on the Image to enlarge it.)

Uh, was ist los ??? Now, we get some stuff from Breitbart Reporter Wayne Allyn Root. Huh. . . is this the old bait and switch??? Wow, there sure must be a lot of those  Breitbart Reporters running around the place.  Wait a minute. What does that little blurby thingy say???

What’s with this smoking gun WILL BE stuff??? Doesn’t WILL BE mean that it will happen sometime in the future? Not NOW? Crap, am I just being jerked around or what?  Oh wait, there is a video and an UPDATE BELOW VIDEO. Yippee!!! It’s been three weeks now since this article was first posted. Maybe they have managed to get the documentation together in the meantime???

Nope. No such luck. The first video is some radio talk show conversation between Wayne Allyn Root and Joe Pags. Blah, blah, blah, blah, and NO DOCUMENTATION.

The next two videos are of Wayne Allyn Root again, with Sean Hannity, and there is the same  blah, blah, blah,blah, and NO DOCUMENTATION. Don’t waste your time on the first two videos. The final 3:07 video tells the whole story. You wanna guess what the DOCUMENTATION is that Obama is an Indonesian citizen??? Sit down, because you may collapse in laughter, or shocked disbelief.


Yes, this whole stupid, frigging bunch of repetitious crap about  DOCUMENTATION comes down to Wayne Allyn Root’s HUNCHES and GUT INSTINCT that something is wrong.  Watch the whole thing below, but particularly the part at 2:05, where Root says:

I’m being honest. I don’t know. It’s a gut instinct.

Sooo,  to recap this, CDR Kerchner and the Birthers are going around telling people they have DOCUMENTATION and the documentation is just some clown’s GUT INSTINCT and HUNCH.  I still don’t know who Breitbart Reporter Charles Johnson is, and the links all go to Wayne Allyn Root stuff.  Did Wayne Allyn Root illegally usurp Charles Johnson’s identity???  Who knows?

Maybe they should have used this title:

Breitbart Reporter has a gut instinct hunch that Obama is Indonesian Citizen.

Somehow, I don’t think it would have mattered much to the Birthers if they had. It is sad to watch supposedly rational people wallow around in nonsense like this.

Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter

Note 1. The Image. This is from the wonderful and bizarre  1953 documentary film by Ed Wood, Glen or Glenda.  Wiki says, in part:

Wood’s big break came in 1953 when he was hired by producer George Weiss to make an exploitation film, I Changed My Sex, based on the life of transsexual Christine Jorgensen. After Jorgensen refused to collaborate on the film, Wood wrote a new autobiographical screenplay titled Glen or Glenda, a sincere and sympathetic study of transvestism. Wood directed and, using the alias Daniel Davis, played the titular character who has a fetish for cross-dressing and angora sweaters.[Which explains the Image Easter Egg.]

Glen or Glenda, shot in just four days for $26,000, was done in a semi-documentary style. Narration and voice-over dialog was added to generous amounts of film-library stock footage (a cost-saving trick he used in his later films).  Bela Lugosi, who was not told the film was about a transvestite, was paid $1,000 in cash for one day of filming. In a dark haunted-house set, speaking in metaphors and nursery rhymes, he played a portentous, omnipotent narrator.

The centerpiece of the film is a 15-minute fantasy sequence that illustrates Glen’s tormented state of mind. Wood utilizes a barrage of surreal, dream-like vignettes with personalized symbolism. Producer George Weiss also inserted footage of flagellation and bondage, reminiscent of the fetish films of Irving Klaw, from another production. In this sequence, Barbara is pinned beneath a large tree (in her living room), and Glen rescues her; they are married with the Devil acting as best man; a shirtless man vigorously flogs a woman reclining on a couch; lewd burlesque dancers gyrate to blaring jazz music and tear at their clothes; a woman gagged and bound to a yoke-like pole is untied by another gagged woman; a lust-crazed man roughly assaults a seductress in a flimsy negligee; an enraged Glenda rips Barbara’s blouse to shreds after she laughs at his appearance. Bela Lugosi appears in several scenes also rejecting Glenda and repeating the phrase “snips and snails and puppy-dog tails”. The film was released under several regional titles such as Transvestite, I Led Two Lives, and He or She?.

Note 2. Bait and Switch. A less than scrupulous sales tactic. Wiki explains the strategy:

Bait-and-switch is a form of fraud, most commonly used in retail sales but also applicable to other contexts. First, customers are “baited” by advertising for a product or service at a low price; second, the customers discover that the advertised good is not available and are “switched” to a costlier product.

Wiki also explains that there is a non-retail use of this tactic, for example:

Online dating sites have been known to post fake profiles as a way of enticing people to join; in some cases, employees of the site’s parent company send messages via a sockpuppet in order to encourage non-paying users to upgrade so they can message back.

Let me add to that non-retail use:

Birther websites are well known to promote new theories and put forth new facts, to reel in the unsuspecting individuals.  While either false or unsupported by evidence, these new discoveries are loudly touted across the Birther websites, and the converts get so caught up in the hoopla that they forget to critically examine the information.

Note 3. The Follow The Links Game! If you have a few minutes, start clicking on the various links in the Breitbart Reporter story above and watch how you get shuffled around to the same stuff, time and time again. It is amusing, in sad way.