Tag Archives: Free Republic

When First You Practice To Deceive!!!


The Great Freeper Birther Purge of 2013 is still going on over at Free Republic. The forum owner, Jim Robinson has decreed that Ted Cruz is a natural born citizen and eligible for the presidency.  He has put up another post, his second so far, about the issue. This latest one, cited to the Dallas Morning News, adds no new scholarship to the conversation.

Is he a natural-born citizen or isn’t he? The question has been a nagging part of Barack Obama’s life ever since his first presidential campaign. No amount of birth certificates and sworn statements from state officials in Hawaii, his birthplace, seemed capable of putting the issue to rest. The “birther” movement continues pressing the question even today, five years after Obama’s election to the presidency.

The question nags anew, but this time Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz is the focus because he was born in Canada to an American mother and Cuban father. By law, his mother’s U.S. citizenship automatically confers natural citizenship to Cruz, just as — for those who continue to doubt the location of Obama’s birth — the citizenship of Obama’s American mother conferred it to him.

This is such a nonissue, regardless of whether the candidate is Republican or Democrat. Nevertheless, narrow-minded individuals, including some prominent personalities such as billionaire former presidential contender Donald Trump, are doggedly trying to concoct controversy and introduce doubt where there should be none.

These men have been natural U.S. citizens from birth and have every right to seek the nation’s highest office. Article II of the Constitution sets out three eligibility requirements to be president: that the person be at least 35 years old, a resident within the United States for 14 years and a “natural-born citizen.”


Robinson is making it clear that the Free Republic birthers had better not latch on to any Ted Cruz threads to spread their quackery. However,  Robinson’s position on Obama is still unclear.  He does not appear to be too well versed on the whole issue and has just decided to accept Mark Levin and Ted Cruz’s assurances. However, Robinson did make this comment, at number 103:

To: sten

Of course I believe in the constitution. Cruz was born to a qualified American mother while temporarily working in Canada. He meets all the legal requirements. Don’t know if that same standard can apply to Obama (if he was not born in the US). His mother does not qualify (according to some of the posts on these threads).

103 posted on Monday, September 02, 2013 9:14:12 PM by Jim Robinson (Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God!!)

And, by way of update, he made this comment at 35:

To: ConorMacNessa

That’s true, but they are leftists.

And unfortunately, there are lots of folks who have too much invested emotionally in Obama’s ineligibility, that they’re afraid Cruz will destroy their case. But I don’t know. As they’re pointing out on this very thread, Ann Dunham was not old enough at Obama’s birth to satisfy the law. [if Obama was born outside the country.]

35 posted on Monday, September 02, 2013 7:16:33 PM by Jim Robinson (Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God!!)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 23 | View Replies | Report Abuse]

And, on a different thread, at comment #94:

Conservatives to Cruz: ‘Run, Ted, run’

Monday, September 02, 2013 12:15:45 PM 94 of 275
Jim Robinson to Col Freeper

I suspect some posters don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to the actual law and the constitution but they have so much invested emotionally in the crackpot birther conspiracy theory that they’re caught in a trap of their own making. Gonna have to chew their own leg off to get free.

I am still waiting to see if he ever fully addresses the last five years of the Freeper Birthers dissembling about the need for Obama to have two citizen parents.  It seems too much to just sweep under the rug.  If Cruz decides to run,  the question of his citizenship is certainly going to come up. Mario Apuzzo, Esq. is certainly not going to let go of the issue. Nor will CDR Kerchner.  How much credibility is Jim Robinson and Free Republic going to have in that battle with other conservative types?

Probably none.  Walter Scott provided the reason why in his poem, Marmion:

Oh, what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive!

Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter

Note 1. The Image. This is from the B.C. comic strip by Johnny Hart. My father used to have a lot of his paperback books, including The Wizard of Id. I loved them! Here is the original strip before I did my thing to it:


Note 2. Marmion.  I never read the poem, but it sounds like a real drama-fest. Wiki says,

Marmion is an epic poem by Walter Scott about the Battle of Flodden Field (1513). It was published in 1808.

Scott started writing Marmion, his second major work, in November 1806. When Archibald Constable, the publisher, learnt of this, he offered a thousand guineas for the copyright unseen. William Miller and John Murray each agreed to take a 25% share in the project. Murray observed: “We both view it as honourable, profitable, and glorious to be concerned in the publication of a new poem by Walter Scott.” Scott later said that he thoroughly enjoyed writing the work. He told his son-in-law, Lockhart, “Oh, man, I had many a grand gallop among these braes when I was thinking of Marmion.”

In 1807 Scott practised manoeuvres with the Light Horse Volunteers (formed to defend an invasion from France) in order to polish his description of Flodden. Marmion was finished on January 22 and published on 22 February 1808 in a quarto first edition of two thousand copies. This edition, priced one and a half guineas, sold out in a month. It was followed by twelve octavo editions between 1808 and 1825.

The poem tells how Lord Marmion, a favourite of Henry VIII of England, lusts for Clara de Clare, a rich woman. He and his mistress, Constance De Beverley, forge a letter implicating Clara’s fiancé, Sir Ralph De Wilton, in treason. Constance, a dishonest nun, hopes that her aid will restore her to favour with Marmion. When De Wilton loses the duel he claims in order to defend his honour against Marmion, he is obliged to go into exile. Clara retires to a convent rather than risk Marmion’s attentions.

Constance’s hopes of a reconciliation with Marmion are dashed when he abandons her; she ends up being walled up alive in the Lindisfarne convent for breaking her vows. She takes her revenge by giving the Abbess who is one of her three judges documents that prove De Wilton’s innocence. De Wilton, having returned disguised as a pilgrim, follows Marmion to Edinburgh where he meets the Abbess, who gives him the exonerating documents. When Marmion’s host, the Earl of Angus is shown the documents, he arms De Wilton and accepts him as a knight again. De Wilton’s plans for revenge are overturned by the battle of Flodden Field. Marmion dies on the battlefield, while De Wilton displays heroism, regains his honour, retrieves his lands, and marries Clara.

The Great Freeper Birther Purge Of 2013 (Too Little, Too Late???)

Purge 2

They Were Each Sentenced To Ten Years Of Cleaning Up Steaming Piles Of Vattel

Following up on a story of a few days ago (see Note 2 below), Jim Robinson, the Eugene H. Krabs of the Free Republic Krusty Krab, is threatening to purge the place of any two-citizen parents Birthers who say mean things about either Ted Cruz or Mark Levin, Esq. Robinson has put up his own post based on the Cato Institute report which opined that Ted Cruz is a natural born citizen. There is a link below, but the actual story ran here a few days ago. What is fun is the comments! Here are a representative few:

Jim Robinson Comment# 1: As I’ve stated elsewhere on this forum many times, I have infinitely more confidence in Mark Levin and the CATO Institute than I do in legions of internet sea lawyers and bloggers.

If Ted Cruz decides to run for the Presidency and he appears to be the strongest conservative running, I will support him to the hilt. He’s one of the few conservatives in the Senate who actually has the balls to stand up for conservatism and against Obama and the GOP-e RINOs. This is a battle for the survival of America as a free nation. If we allow the democrats and the GOP-e statists to select our next opposition candidate for us, ie, Chris Christie or Jeb Bush, this nation is kaput.

We stand united or we fall. We cannot afford to destroy our best candidates or to split our conservative vote to the point that the likes of Christy or Bush gets the nod and someone like Hillary waltzes into the White House.

Supporting the “electable” Dole, McCain and Romney gave us Clinton and Obama. Supporting the crazy conservative gave us President Reagan.

and, in support of the author of the Cato Institute Piece:

Jim Robinson at Comment#  56: Looks like he’s a natural born citizen according to this author and I like his credentials as opposed to the usual internet blogger. Mark Levin likes him too. And I have much more faith in Mark Levin than your average anonymous sea lawyer/blogger.

CATO’s Ilya Shapiro: [long list of Shapiro’s qualifications omitted]

and, in response to the usual Birther “But, but, but . . . what about the Constitution?” crap, he says in six different comments:


Give us a break. No one but you is good enough for you.

Cruz is a natural born citizen. Get over it.

So those of us who support the grassroots tea party conservative and probably strongest conservative in the senate if not the entire Republican party are now considered to be moderates by birthers? Don’t look now, but I’m beginning to think the people who say birthers are nutcases aren’t that far off base. You people are imploding. Best rethink your strategy.

I’m not implying any such thing. I’m stating that if you post another slanderous attack on Mark Levin or Ted Cruz like you did earlier today, your ass is zot. If you wish to attack good conservatives, start your own damned website and have at it. You’re not going to do it here. Good luck with that. [this was to Cold Case Posse Supporter]

Either give it a rest or go somewhere else to post. I’m not interested in your slander of two great conservatives (Levin and Cruz). Drop it or begone!!

Robinson has a lot more to say, but you can read the thread yourself if you  are interested. It is still going on:


In his usual subtle and understated way, Robinson also put a separate link up on the Forum, in Big Red Letters. The arrow and the box around the link are mine:

Free Republic Cruz Link

(Click on Image Once or Twice to Make It Larger.)

What I find interesting is that Robinson is only rehashing the same arguments that many people there, including me, made before we were zotted.  He does not appear to be well versed in the topic, and just bases his opinion on Levin and the Cato Institute Report. Here is what I predict is going to happen.

First, the “birth certificate” Birthers will continue posting as usual because the basis of their belief is simply suspicions about Obama’s roots, and not the Vattel stuff. Meantime, the two citizen parents Birthers will simply continue to peddle their nonsense against Obama, while laying off of Ted Cruz and Mark Levin.  I look for them to escalate their efforts to make up for the fact that they have to STFU about Cruz. Either Jim Robinson will get the fact that a Birther Mack Truck is driving through his living room, or he won’t.

Either way, the damage is already mostly done. Over the last five years, the idiots have been busy promulgating the two citizen parent crap at Free Republic, and from there little piles of the doo-doo have been spread to blogs and forums all across the Conservative blogosphere.  And from thence, thousands of poisonous mushrooms have blossomed. I wonder if Jim Robinson understands that what is wrong with the two citizen parents theory isn’t that it hurts Ted Cruz, but that it is nothing but a stupid lie, and never was anything but that.

Like Edmund Burke said, “Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all.”

Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter

Note 1. The Image. This is a photograph from the Soviet purges under Stalin. I was not able to determine its origin.

Note 2. Previous Posts: Here is the link to the previous Free Republic story:


And here is the link to the Cato Institute Story:


Note 3. For ESLs. The Image Easter Egg is a word play on seersucker, a type of cotton fabric often used in robes and sheer sucker, one who is utterly and completely fooled.

Note 4. Photographs of Free Republic Birthers. I have to admit that I LMAO every time I read this post, with its photographs of the Freeper Birthers. I know, I’m vain. Please forgive me.


Note 5.  Let A Hundred Flowers Bloom. This is the phrase behind the thousand poisonous mushrooms term I used.  It has to do with purges, or ideological cleansing. Wiki notes:

The first part of the phrase is often remembered in the West as “let a hundred flowers bloom”. It is used to refer to an orchestrated campaign to flush out dissidents by encouraging them to show themselves as critical of the regime, and then subsequently imprison them.

This view is supported by authors Clive James and Jung Chang, who posit that the campaign was, from the start, a ruse intended to expose rightists and counter-revolutionaries, and that Mao Zedong persecuted those whose views were different from the party’s.

Jim Robinson Fires Cruz Missile At Free Republic Birthers!!!

USS Jim Robinson 2

It May Have Looked Like A Destroyer, But It Was Really A Cruz Ship

The Free Republic Birthers got a wake up call yesterday from Jim Robinson, the crusty owner of the website.  On a thread about the individual who made a Birther out of himself at a Mark Levin book signing,  Judge Robinson settled the Ted Cruz eligibility question for the Freepers:

Jim Robinson at Comment 43: Ted Cruz was born to an American mother. He’s a natural born citizen and patriot in every sense of the word and I will support him to the hilt if he decides to run and is the strongest conservative running!! In fact, if that happens, FR will be Cruz Country!!

Go, TED, GO!!

FU Tokyo Rove, Chris Cristy, Jeb Bush, McCain, McBoehner, McGrahammesty, McFlake, McConnell and ALL GOP-e RINOS!!

The tea party rebellion is on!!

Anyone can’t live with that (as the say in Russia) tough shitski!!

and, when hit with the typical Birther ” But we’re just constitutionalists!” claims:

Jim Robinson at Comment 89: I’m upholding my oath. Cruz is a natural born citizen despite any claims to the contrary from the legions of internet “sea lawyers!”

and again, when asked, “Do you intend to ban those Conservatives that disagree with you on this matter”

Jim Robinson at Comment 91: Depends on the degree of nastiness. Don’t get nasty against our freepers or our conservative candidates.

and, when pushed some more:

Jim Robinson at 126: I said if Cruz is the strongest conservative running. But neither Cruz or Palin have declared. We’ll have to wait and see. And as far as I’m concerned, I’ll go with Levin and others who say Cruz is a natural born citizen.

Robinson had more to say, but I just wanted to provide enough to get across the gist of what happened. Here is a link to the thread.


I was once a Freeper, but when I jumped on the two citizen parents Birthers there, I got the ZOT! There is a link in Note 1 below to the article I wrote in response, which has some undercover photos of the Freeper Birthers in full whine mode.  Jim Robinson has several problems on his hands, and not easy ones to solve. He has flatly decreed, and correctly, that Ted Cruz is eligible. Yet, he has not come right out and told the Birthers to knock off all the “two citizen parents” stuff.

By the very nature of things, it is not the “birth certificate” Birthers who have a problem with Cruz, unless they are also “two citizen parents” type Birthers.  And frankly, the two citizen parents Birthers are beyond reasoning with. They have repeatedly lost in court, and are not fazed.  Their argument is nonsensical to begin with. What person with a functioning brain really believes that Emer de Vattel is the source of American citizenship law??? Yet, they persist in the silliness.

What reasonably intelligent person can’t read the Wong Kim Ark (WKA) case a half dozen times and get the point, that the 14th Amendment put natural born citizenship for those born inside the country into the Constitution, where it would be safe from both either state and Congressional tinkering? It make take several readings, but goodness, two of the seven sections are dedicated to natural born subjects and natural born citizens. Another section is dedicated to showing how the 14th Amendment affirms and incorporates that previous law into itself. And still, the two citizen parents birthers are out there trying to defeat an 1898 SCOTUS holding with a 1758 legal treatise by a Swiss guy. Or some legal dictionary they found at a garage sale. Or, some case prior to 1898, which even if they were reading it correctly, would be reversed by WKA.

To paraphrase John Donne, from his Love’s Alchemy poem, “Hope not for mind [reason] in Birthers!” And to make it worse, it is not as if the Obots and Anti-Birthers aren’t doing their best to educate the poor addled two citizen parents birthers.  We write words enough to stretch to Pluto and back, and they still ignore us.  Jim Robinson is delusional if he thinks anything short of banning them or completely censoring them for preaching their nonsense is going to stop them.

That is where his second problem comes in. Because the longer they preach the “two citizen parents” nonsense, the more it sinks into the minds of low information voters. It will not matter to many of them that the nonsense is being presented against Obama, and not against conservative candidates. They will repeat the nonsense as if they know what they are talking about, and then refuse to vote for people like Bobby Jindal, Marc Rubio, or Ted Cruz. If he cares about his conservative causes, Robinson must tell them to knock off all the two citizen parents nonsense period, or get banned.  He has already let this nonsense go on for too long, and the longer it goes on, the worse it gets for Cruz and others.

Finally, he has the problem of how to go about banning or zotting them with a straight face.  He had no problem setting forth restrictions on rampant paranoia like Alex Jones’ Prison Planet, and overtly sovereign citizen theories. He didn’t let that stuff ever take hold at his website. It is different with the Birthers because he shares responsibility for letting them get to this point. At Free Republic they formed a clique and went around screaming Troll! and Obot! at people who disagreed with them.  Some of us got zotted. Free Republic became Birther friendly territory.

And fertile ground it was. Some of the dumbest Birthers I ever met  took root and grew at Free Republic, including but not limited to: Edge919, DiogenesLamp, and Butterdezillion. Robinson should have put his foot down a long time ago, the same as he would have if a group was telling Freepers they didn’t have to pay income taxes. But he didn’t,  and now the place is full of them.

In summary, half measures won’t work, the Birthers continue to do damage to the conservative cause, and they are in large enough numbers that it will hurt the website to ZOT! them all.  The best alternative I can see is for him to resort to outright censorship. He needs to flatly state that the two citizen parent stuff is complete bullsh*t,  and anybody who preaches it, and misleads other conservatives, even if it is in relation to Obama, is going to get the ZOT!.

It should be interesting to watch.

Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter

Note 1.  Squeeky’s Free Republic ZOT!: Like I said above, there are photographs of the Birthers!


Fifty Shades Of Stupid!!! (Or, Spanking Another Freeper Birther)

By The 89th Shade, They Were Really Having To Strain For Material

OMG!!! I stumbled across this little bit of SHEER TOTAL STUPIDITY while browsing the Free Republic Birther threads. There is sooo much Birther idiocy there that I could churn out 10 Internet Articles per day easily just by pointing out their legal mistakes, absurdities, and logical fallacies. It would be the equivalent of shooting very stupid fish in a very tiny barrel. Sooo, usually I just giggle and move on to something else. But this piece of nuttiness by Freeper Diogeneslamp was just too dumb to pass up.

Down below in the notes you can find links, and a screen capture of the idiocy.  Now, on with the story. The Freeper Birthers are all babbling and drooling and stuff, and Freeper Diogeneslamp pops out his little copy of John Adam’s personal Law book of English Common law, published in 1736. Which says:

All those are natural born Subjects whose Parents, at the Time of their Birth, were under the actual Obedience of our King, and whose Place of Birth was within his Dominions.

and to the side of that the margin note says:

In Calvins Case those which were born in Normandy, Gascon, while under actual Obedience to the Kings of England, were Subjects born. And this by the Statute is declared to have been the Common Law; but those born there now are Aliens, those places not being in the actual Possession of our King.

Now, I debated Diogeneslamp on numerous occasisons before the Freeper Birthers got tired of me kicking their butts and got me banned. He knows about Wong Kim Ark, and argues mightily that it doesn’t provide precedent on natural born citizenship passing to those born inside the United States regardless of the citizenship of the parents. And he knows, from that same case, that natural born citizenship passes to those born outside the country to American parent(s) by statutory law.

In short, Diogeneslamp is fully aware of this excerpt from Wong Kim Ark via the Ankeny Court:

The Wong Kim Ark Court explained:

The fundamental principle of the common law with regard to English nationality was birth within the allegiance-also called „ligealty,‟ „obedience,‟ „faith,‟ or „power‟-of the king. The principle embraced all persons born within the king‟s allegiance, and subject to his protection. Such allegiance and protection were mutual,-as expressed in the maxim, „Protectio trahit subjectionem, et subjectio protectionem,‟-and were not restricted to natural-born subjects and naturalized subjects, or to those who had taken an oath of allegiance; but were predicable of aliens in amity, so long as they were within the kingdom. Children, born in England, of such aliens, were therefore natural-born subjects. But the children, born within the realm, of foreign ambassadors, or the children of alien enemies, born during and within their hostile occupation of part of the king‟s dominions, were not natural-born subjects, because not born within the allegiance, the obedience, or the power, or, as would be said at this day, within the jurisdiction, of the king.

Lookie!!! The Courts say the same thing as the book. “Within the Obedience” doesn’t mean “citizen.”  It means within the physical jurisdiction of the King.  Clearly, it is the place of birth which controls natural born citizenship for those born inside the country. But, to actually read from John Adams’ book and recognize that fact means you have to quit being a two citizen-parent Birther. Because you to have to face the fact that the citizenship of the parents has NOTHING to do with those born INSIDE the country. Criminy, if the country’s possession reverts, there goes the citizenship, parents notwithstanding. What, does your parentage change if the country changes hands??? This is not just my opinion.

Here it is again, in Ankeny, citing Wong Kim Ark:

It thus clearly appears that by the law of England for the last three centuries, beginning before the settlement of this country, and continuing to the present day, aliens, while residing in the dominions possessed by the crown of England, were within the allegiance, the OBEDIENCE, the faith or loyalty, the protection, the power, and the jurisdiction of the English sovereign; and therefore every child born in England of alien parents was a natural-born subject, unless the child of an ambassador or other diplomatic agent of a foreign state, or of an alien enemy in hostile occupation of the place where the child was born.

III. The same rule was in force in all the English colonies upon this continent down to the time of the Declaration of Independence, and in the United States afterwards, and continued to prevail under the constitution as originally established.

Diogeneslamp has been exposed to all this before. Numerous times. There is no excuse for him not recognizing it.  So, how does he handle this clear conflict between his own evidence and his own beliefs??? Simple. He ignores it and tries to pass it off as the same as Vattel’s definition. Like this:

A. English Common law says if you are born here, you’re NBC, and your PARENTS’ citizenship is irrelevant.


B. Vattel says NBC only occurs when both PARENTS are citizens.


C. They must be the same thing as what Vattel says, because they both mention the word PARENTS.

I don’t think stupid is too harsh a word  to use. Here it is in his own words:

Hmm… It mentions that a person’s Parents must be in Actual Obedience to the King, and it mentions this BEFORE it says anything about where such a subject should be born, establishing the first requirement as the more important of the two, in my opinion.

Wow. This definition of “Natural-born Subject” sounds very much like the Vattel definition of “natural born citizen”! The first thing both definitions mention is “parents.” Loyal Parents. If “parents” aren’t important, why would they be mentioned? This law book was also subsequently owned by John Adam’s son, John Quincy Adams. (Who also became President.)

But, being the legal whiz that he is, Diogeneslamp must realize that the link to Vattel is a little weak. Sooo, how are we supposed to know that John Adams ascribes to the Vattel definition???  Simple. Because Adams stayed with Vattel’s published in France during the Revolutionary War.

Sooo, that is pretty stupid. Ignoring the Wong Kim Ark and the Ankeny Court saying the same thing as is found in John Adams’ book is pretty stupid. Trying to cobble Vattel onto the book in spite of the clearly opposite meaning is pretty stupid. Ignoring your own evidence is pretty stupid. Trying to convince us that Adam’s staying with the publisher is proof of anything is pretty stupid. But you know what is the stupidest thing of all that Diogeneslamp does???

He forgets to check the publishing date of Adams’ personal book on English Common Law – – – which proves to be 1736, or 22 years BEFORE the first publication of Vattel’s Law Of Nations in 1758.  Yes, Diogeneslamp believes, and expects us to believe, that Adams’ book is parroting a definition of citizenship that won’t be written for another 22 years. I could go on.

If somebody made a career of studying Diogeneslamp’s stupidity, I am pretty sure they would need a title like 1000 Shades of Stupid.

Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter

Note 1. Screen Capture: Here is a screen capture of Diogeneslamp’s dribble. You can click on it to make it larger:

Note 2: Here is a link to it. Just scroll down to comment #224:


Note 3. Here’s a link to the 1736 book:


Note 4. the Free Republic ban. Here is a link, with photos, of when the Free Republic Birthers wussied out and ran in panic stricken terror from me:


Note 5: The Image.  This is a 1947 photo of Salvador Dali using a model as a desk.   Photograph by Bob Sandberg, Museum of the City of New York, The LOOK Collection.”  It is rumored that IKEA is working on reproductions.

Free Republic Tells “The Dianna” To STFU About Santorum Birtherism!!!

The Dianna Opens Its Mouth. . . It Takes The Sock. . . It Puts The Sock In Its Mouth. . .

Thanks to Patrick McKinnon of Bad Fiction, I learned that Dianna Cotter aka The Dianna was told rather bluntly by Free Republic to shut up about Rick Santorum not being a natural born citizen. Here are a few excerpts:

“To: Danae
Don’t post like an ass. Santorum is a natural born citizen. Give it a rest. Continue attacking our posters as you are and you will get the boot from FR! Go somewhere else to post such nonsense.
90 posted on March 18, 2012 3:49:54 PM PDT by Jim Robinson (Rebellion is not just brewing, rebellion is here!!)”

“To: Danae
Don’t be an idiot. Continue attacking our conservative candidates with this nonsense and or our conservative FReepers you’re going to get the boot from FR. Take your fantasies elsewhere. America hating communist propaganda rag Pravda is appropriate. Wake up.
96 posted on March 18, 2012 5:39:20 PM PDT by Jim Robinson (Rebellion is not just brewing, rebellion is here!!)”

There is more at the Bad Fiction link:


I have to admit to taking some personal satisfaction from The Dianna’s tongue lashing. I debated her several times and she was annoyingly dense and her head was sooo far up Leo Donofrio’s rear end that the doctors mistook it for Leo’s tonsils.  Plus, the Free Republic Birthers, as a group, are the most cowardly bunch I have ever seen and they can’t wait  to zot or run off anybody who shows them up for the idiots they are.  They got me zotted, but I did get pictures of them wailing and whining:


And, in another Internet Article here about The Dianna, I said:

Sooo, what’s a Good Birther to do when they have this earth-shattering story and Americans do a collective yawn??? Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a country where people didn’t find crooked investigations, abuse of power, and money-grubbing Polizei out of the ordinary??? Somewhere like maybe a former communist country where American ideas of fairness seem pollyanny??? Hmmm. Oh yes!!! RUSSIA!!!

This shows how far the Birthers have sunk in their  mad attempt to get Obama on this issue. Cotter’s story was even carried at that Bastion Of Conservatism, Free Republic, with nary a whimper from the anti-commie crowd there:

Sooo, it was nice to see somebody there did notice the former SSR where she was posting. Meanwhile, over at Free Republic, some of the Birthers, like rxsid, are still chafing at the bit:

To: Admin Moderator; God-fear-republican

Santorum birtherism is not welcome on FR. His father served in the military in WWII, aptly demonstrating his loyalty. There is also a document on the internet that shows Italy revoked Aldo Santorum’s citizenship back in the 1930s.

There doesn’t appear to be a law, prior to Rick Santorum being born, that automatically made aliens serving/served in the military (WWII or other) U.S. citizens. Santorumm’s father, therefore, would have had to initiate and go through the naturalization process himself.

The McCarran-Walter Act, 1952, made aliens who served for 5 years eligible to be perminant lawful residents:

Act June 30, 1950, ch. 443, § 4,64 Stat. 316, as amended June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title IV, § 402(e),66 Stat. 276, provided that: “Notwithstanding the dates or periods of service specified and designated in section 329 of the Immigration and Nationality Act [this section], the provisions of that section are applicable to aliens enlisted or reenlisted pursuant to the provisions of this Act and who have completed five or more years of military service, if honorably discharged therefrom. Any alien enlisted or reenlisted pursuant to the provisions of this Act who subsequently enters the United States, American Samoa, Swains Island, or the Canal Zone, pursuant to military orders shall, if otherwise qualified for citizenship, and after completion of five or more years of military service, if honorably discharged therefrom, be deemed to have been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence within the meaning of such section 329(a) [subsection (a) of this section].”


Furthermore, if in fact Aldo’s citizenship was revoked by Italy back in the 1930’s, that would essentially make his father “stateless” until his father went through the naturalization process on his own.

The naturalization papers (proof) of Aldo Santorum is what people are demanding.

The citizens of this country deserve to know if a candidate (any candidate, including Republicans) is eligible for the public elected office they seek.


Maybe some of the Birthers there will get the ZOT!.  It couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch.

Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter

Note 1. The Image. This is Maria Callas from the opera Medea.

Zot!!! Free Republic Birthers Run In Panic-Stricken Terror From The Truth!!!

Free Republic Birthers Gather To Beg Succor From The Ravishes Of Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter

Well, apparently I have been zotted by Free Republic for disrespecting the idiotic Birthers who inhabit the place. No big deal. In fact, it is kind of amusing to think of all the rugged individualistic Birthers begging the moderators or whoever to protect them from a mere slip of a Girl Reporter. It is reassuring to know that the Truth still instills panic and fear in the hearts of liars and con artists.

My latest act of heresy was to point out that one of the Birthers had launched a personal attack against Judge Malihi who recently ruled against the Birthers in Georgia. And, had done so without ever having bothered to read the court decision upon which Malihi relied. Ouch!!! I bet that did hurt.

Here is a link to the thread in which I was zotted. In typical Birther fashion, I note that they accuse me of being a shill for Obama, and as proof, present a poem I wrote slamming the heck out of Obama.  OMG, what a bunch of idiots.  The real fun starts at post number 95.


A friend there managed to smuggle out some pictures of the behind the scenes activity which led to my zotting, including the image above. Thank you Undercover Freeper!!!

Squeeky Is Witch!!! She Put Curse On My Cow!!!

No, I didn’t.  I put a curse on her. I didn’t even know she had a cow.

Squeeky No Fight Fair!!! She Assault Us With Facts!!!

Yep. They got me on that one! Guilty as charged.

Squeeky Talk Harsh To Us And Cause Our Manhood To Wither!!!

I wouldn’t know nothing about that, but I bet most of them were impotent to begin with. Oops, was that harsh???

Squeeky, She No Respect Dear Leader Leo Donofrio!!! ( Members of the Leo Donofrio Fan Club)

True dat!!! What a stupid twit he is.

Squeeky No Think Like Us!!!

Hmmm. I wasn’t aware that the Birthers there did any actual thinking. Maybe she is referring to the Echo Chamber I refused to join???

Squeeky Distress Us And Cause Our Milk To Dry Up!!!

Oh, puhleeeaase!!! How pathetic!!!

Squeeky Tease Us Long Time!!!

Well, if you go around telling lies and making up Imaginary Laws, you ought to get teased.  So There!!!  And finally, and I think this is what probably pushed the moderators over the edge to zot me:

It's For The Children!!!

OH, BS!!! It’s because I beat you stupid Birthers like carpets over a clothesline WITH LOGIC and you little titty babies couldn’t take it. But, I am not mad or anything, because when a person suffers for telling the truth, then that is a good thing. I will get stars in my crown in Heaven for having stuck to my guns. I love the poetry of Emily Dickinson, and this poem seems to fit this situation:

I Died For Beauty

I died for beauty, but was scarce
Adjusted in the tomb,
When one who died for truth was lain
In an adjoining room.

He questioned softly why I failed?
“For beauty,” I replied.
“And I for truth – the two are one;
We brethren are,” he said.

And so, as kinsmen met a-night,
We talked between the rooms,
Until the moss had reached our lips,
And covered up our names.

Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter