Tag Archives: KenyanBornObamAcorn

SCOOP! Squeeky Lands Interview With KenyanBornObamAcorn!!!

Well, my ears are still ringing. But I guess it was worth it!

Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter

My Fair Loony!!! (A Parody Song For The Maryland Birther)

Ever Vigilant, She Decided To Carbon Date A Print Off Of The Online Image

This parody needs a little introduction. There are certain of the Birthers who exhibit really bizarre behavior. Even for a Birther. One of these usually goes by the online name of KenyanBornObamAcorn.  Her favorite trick is to go around “outing” Obots, and dispensing personal information about them. I am not sure what that  is supposed to prove, but it seems to make her happy.

I have encountered her on a few threads, here and there, and in my opinion, she has a loose grip on both the facts and the law, and is not  even up to normal Birther standards, which ain’t saying much.  She mostly just makes idiotic statements, calls a few names, and then heads for the hills before she has to defend the nonsense. Anyway, her current claim to fame is an eligibility suit in Maryland.  A case which sounds like it is headed for the bird cage liner factory soon.

To parody her, I needed a song which expressed her mindless anger, misplaced sense of grandiosity, and manic intensity.  Liza Doolittle’s piece, Just You Wait from My Fair Lady seems to capture this essence.  Just ignore Liza’s underlying charm, because KenyanBornObamAcorn seems to have none. A youtube video is provided below in case you don’t know the tune.

My Fair Loony
by Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter
(A Parody Song To The Tune of “Just You Wait”,
from My Fair Lady)

Just you wait, B’rack Obama, just you wait!
Very soon the Court is going to set a date.
Oh, you’ll sweat, and you’ll start cryin’
When the documents are flyin’
Just you wait, B’rack Obama, just you wait!

Just you wait B’rack Obama, til you’ve met
A wee Precedent from Minor Happersett!
You will cry, and be annoyed
When your laws are null and void!
Oh ho ho, B’rack Obama, just you wait!

Ooooooh B’rack Obama!
I can’t wait to meet the Judge and dialogue!
Ooooooh B’rack Obama!
And he says to march you off  just like a Frog!

I won’t notice your boo-hoo’s
I’ll be on the evening news,
Oh ho ho, B’rack Obama!
Oh ho ho, B’rack Obama!

I will be so famous, World Net Daily will call.
At the Birther Cotillion, I’ll be Belle of the Ball.
The nation so grateful, awards for my toil
A lifetime supply of aluminum foil.

My face on a postage stamp will land!
As Birthers line up to shake my hand.
I never brag, or put on airs, or act too boastful
But I was voted once, the most likely to go postal!

A national hero, they will do what I ask,
Deport Obama, my very first task.

“Off, to Kenya! C.O.D.”
(I’m,  as happy as can be!)
Now, the Obots, oh so snarky and so mean,
Let them strut their stuff in Fema Camp 14;

We don’t need a new election,
I’m the natural selection
Oh ho ho, B’rack Obama
I’ll be Queen, B’rack Obama!

Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter

Note 1. Just You Wait. Here is a video from the 1964 musical, My Fair Lady.

Note 2. Status of the Maryland Lawsuit.  Dr. Conspiracy has an update on her case, here:


Note 3. UPDATE. This is an UPDATE, to link to an excellent Internet Article by John Woodman which discusses the Maryland case, and provides a great example of the way Birthers tend to mis-analyze facts and legal issues.
