Tag Archives: Surrogate

Surrogate – Naming The Cold Case Posse Scandal!!!

Joseph Farah Demonstrates Advanced String-Pulling Finger Techniques To Jerome "Jerry" Corsi

Some idiot over at the Washington Times, named Jeffrey T. Kuhner, has a name for the whole “birth certificate is a forgery” thing. He calls it, Forgerygate. Here is a link to it if you want to read the nonsense:


I never heard of this person before, and frankly his whole premise is flawed. Had he bothered to actually research the matter, as opposed to simply parroting the “They are ignoring us” line of World Net Daily, he might have discovered this little gem from Obama Conspiracy Theories:


But, it did get me to thinking that the Anti-Birthers and Obots needed a good name for the Cold Case Posse scandal where grossly biased third parties like Jerome “Jerry” Corsi were given an unprecedented role in the investigation. And, where Corsi and one of the investigators, Michael Zullo, co-authored a book with the alleged findings. And, where the book was in the works about the time the investigation started.

All of this gives Corsi and the Cold Case Posse a financial interest in the outcome of the investigation. No negative findings = no book sales. Now THAT is a scandal. But it needs a catchy gate name. Sooo, Squeeky to the rescue!!!


Surrogate is defined as:

noun /ˈsərəgit/  /-ˌgāt/
surrogates, plural

A substitute, esp. a person deputizing for another in a specific role or office
– she was regarded as the surrogate for the governor during his final illness.

someone who takes the place of another person;

deputy: a person appointed to represent or act on behalf of others;

and, interestingly:

A copy of the information content of an original item in another medium, usually one which is more durable. See also: Reproduction and Facsimile.

Sooo, I think that SURROGATE fits the bill nicely, and I shall begin using it to describe the scandalous relationship between World Net Daily and Sheriff Joe and the Cold Case Posse.

Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter