Tag Archives: scandal

Br’er Kuhner Says “Take My Scoop – Please!!!”

Br'er Kuhner And Burke Would Gladly Give You A Scoop Today, For A Cheeseburger on Tuesday

Well, talk about Saints. I think I have discovered one who has not yet been canonized. His name is Jeffrey Kuhner, and he works for the Washington Times. And talk about a Good Samaritan!!! Well this fellow, who is sitting right on top of The Biggest Scandal In American History, is begging other reporters and newspapers to get in front of him on this story!!!

Can you believe that??? And he has company. Sister Diane West and Sister Dianna Cotter and Br’er Corsi and Mistah Farah, and others are all of them are laying about and moaning to the high heavens about reporters NOT trying to beat them to the story. Move over Mother Teresa, because Planet Earth has never seen charity like this before.

Which is making me kind of suspicious. Why would real reporters do this??? Did Woodward and Bernstein castigate the rest of the press for not beating a path to Deep Throat’s door??? Oh hell no!!! In fact, they kept it secret and got a Pulitizer Prize and fame and a movie deal.  And their chicks for free.

Listen to Kuhner in this youtube video, around the 10:20 minute mark  where he says that he would love to be the reporter who broke this story and that person would be bigger than Woodward and Bernstein and immortalized in movies and books:

And Kuhner is griping out of Christian Charity??? Fat chance. Me is beginning to thinks Kuhner and this whole bunch doth protest too much. And go figure World Net Daily. Here they are with a direct pipeline straight into the Cold Case Posse, and they are complaining that other news organizations are ignoring Sheriff Joe???  Common sense dictates they should be dancing in the streets. They have a lock on The Great Mother of All American Scandals.

Could it be that all these clowns  already know this whole Sheriff Joe-Cold Case Posse thing is nothing but a big farce, and they are simply trying to send the rest of the press off on a snipe hunt??? And at the same time, chunk some more dirt on Obama???

That scenario makes a lot more sense to me. Sooo, when you read Kuhner, WestCotterCorsi, Farah and all the others complaining about a media blackout,  and begging the press to “Take my story” – just remember Br’er Rabbit and  the Briar Patch. Or, an old comedian named Henry “Henny” Youngman, who’s most famous one-liner was:

“Take my wife—please.”

Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter

Note 1. The Image. This is from the 2010 film, Burke and Hare, about a famous pair of early 19th century grave-robbing killers. This image fits the bill, because Kuhner  is the President of the Edmund Burke Institute.  And, well Br’er Rabbit was a hare, and they’re scooping out dirt, and rabbits bring Easter Eggs, and the grave robbing Burke was named William,   and oh well . . . it’s complicated.

Note 2. The Image Caption: Br’er Kuhner And Burke Would Gladly Give You A Scoop Today, For A Cheeseburger on Tuesday.  This is a reference to J. Wellingington Wimpy from the Popeye cartoons. Wiki says:

Wimpy is Popeye’s friend. In the cartoons he mainly plays the role of the “straight man” to Popeye’s outbursts and wild antics. Wimpy is soft-spoken, very intelligent, and well educated, but also cowardly, very lazy, overly parsimonious and utterly gluttonous. He is also something of a scam artist and, especially in the newspaper strip, can be notoriously underhanded at times.

Hamburgers are Wimpy’s all-time favorite dish, and he is usually seen carrying or eating one or more at a time – e.g. in Popeye the Sailor Meets Sindbad the Sailor he is seen grinding meat or eating burgers almost the entire time – however, he is usually too cheap to pay for them himself. A recurring joke involves Wimpy’s attempts to con other patrons of the diner into buying his meal for him. His best-known catchphrase started in 1931 as “Cook me up a hamburger. I’ll pay you Thursday.” In 1932, this then became the famous “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today”. This phrase is now commonly used to illustrate fiscal irresponsibility and still appears in modern comedies such as The Drew Carey Show and The Office.

Kuhner, and the other press-type Birthers are pulling an underhanded scam with their “Media Blackout” stories, attempting to con somebody else into doing a bunch of work on a dead-end story,  all while supposedly unconcerned with any credit or reward  for pointing them in that direction.

Surrogate – Naming The Cold Case Posse Scandal!!!

Joseph Farah Demonstrates Advanced String-Pulling Finger Techniques To Jerome "Jerry" Corsi

Some idiot over at the Washington Times, named Jeffrey T. Kuhner, has a name for the whole “birth certificate is a forgery” thing. He calls it, Forgerygate. Here is a link to it if you want to read the nonsense:


I never heard of this person before, and frankly his whole premise is flawed. Had he bothered to actually research the matter, as opposed to simply parroting the “They are ignoring us” line of World Net Daily, he might have discovered this little gem from Obama Conspiracy Theories:


But, it did get me to thinking that the Anti-Birthers and Obots needed a good name for the Cold Case Posse scandal where grossly biased third parties like Jerome “Jerry” Corsi were given an unprecedented role in the investigation. And, where Corsi and one of the investigators, Michael Zullo, co-authored a book with the alleged findings. And, where the book was in the works about the time the investigation started.

All of this gives Corsi and the Cold Case Posse a financial interest in the outcome of the investigation. No negative findings = no book sales. Now THAT is a scandal. But it needs a catchy gate name. Sooo, Squeeky to the rescue!!!


Surrogate is defined as:

noun /ˈsərəgit/  /-ˌgāt/
surrogates, plural

A substitute, esp. a person deputizing for another in a specific role or office
– she was regarded as the surrogate for the governor during his final illness.

someone who takes the place of another person;

deputy: a person appointed to represent or act on behalf of others;

and, interestingly:

A copy of the information content of an original item in another medium, usually one which is more durable. See also: Reproduction and Facsimile.

Sooo, I think that SURROGATE fits the bill nicely, and I shall begin using it to describe the scandalous relationship between World Net Daily and Sheriff Joe and the Cold Case Posse.

Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter