Surrogate – Naming The Cold Case Posse Scandal!!!

Joseph Farah Demonstrates Advanced String-Pulling Finger Techniques To Jerome "Jerry" Corsi

Some idiot over at the Washington Times, named Jeffrey T. Kuhner, has a name for the whole “birth certificate is a forgery” thing. He calls it, Forgerygate. Here is a link to it if you want to read the nonsense:

I never heard of this person before, and frankly his whole premise is flawed. Had he bothered to actually research the matter, as opposed to simply parroting the “They are ignoring us” line of World Net Daily, he might have discovered this little gem from Obama Conspiracy Theories:

But, it did get me to thinking that the Anti-Birthers and Obots needed a good name for the Cold Case Posse scandal where grossly biased third parties like Jerome “Jerry” Corsi were given an unprecedented role in the investigation. And, where Corsi and one of the investigators, Michael Zullo, co-authored a book with the alleged findings. And, where the book was in the works about the time the investigation started.

All of this gives Corsi and the Cold Case Posse a financial interest in the outcome of the investigation. No negative findings = no book sales. Now THAT is a scandal. But it needs a catchy gate name. Sooo, Squeeky to the rescue!!!


Surrogate is defined as:

noun /ˈsərəgit/  /-ˌgāt/
surrogates, plural

A substitute, esp. a person deputizing for another in a specific role or office
– she was regarded as the surrogate for the governor during his final illness.

someone who takes the place of another person;

deputy: a person appointed to represent or act on behalf of others;

and, interestingly:

A copy of the information content of an original item in another medium, usually one which is more durable. See also: Reproduction and Facsimile.

Sooo, I think that SURROGATE fits the bill nicely, and I shall begin using it to describe the scandalous relationship between World Net Daily and Sheriff Joe and the Cold Case Posse.

Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter

About Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter

I am a Girl Reporter on the Internet. I am 36 Plus I am a INTP. I have a Major in Human Kinetics, and a Minor in English. Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter View all posts by Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter

48 responses to “Surrogate – Naming The Cold Case Posse Scandal!!!

  • David Farrar

    Come on, Squeeky,

    Deal with Arpaio’s evidence. And remember, as is the case in my Georgia appeal to the state supreme court; Arpaio’s evidence isn’t to prove Barack was born in Kenya, or forged his Selective Service document; but simply prima facie evidence that should, in normal circumstances, require the original documentation upon which Obama’s official Hawaiian birth documents were created to be produced in a court of law.

    Nobody is saying Obama isn’t qualified. What we are saying is that posting a jpg on his website isn’t enough to prove he has met his qualifying requirements, even when verified by state officials, which is all FF&C would require.

    ex animo

  • Monkey Boy

    … . What we are saying is that posting a jpg on his website isn’t enough to prove he has met his qualifying requirements, ….

    I don’t understand. Why is it that a .jpg doesn’t prove legitimacy of the document, how can a bogus “analysis” of the same .jpg prove that the original document is a forgery?

    Help me out, David.

    • David Farrar

      For the same reason a copy of Obama’s internet posted birth certificate cannot be entered into evidence. There is no way to authenticate it. Only the authentic certified copy can be entered into evidence.

      I wonder if Squeeky, you, or anyone here has ever seen a true, Hawaiian issued birth certificate of Barack Obama?

      ex animo

      • Monkey Boy

        if “Only the authentic certified copy can be entered into evidence.”, how can a “[non]-authentic certified copy” be used to determine that the original in not authentic?

        My head is spinning from birther spin. I know the birthers are logically challanged, but try reading it slowly, David, so you have a better chance at comprehending my point.

      • Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter


        No, I have never seen a physical bumpy copy. However, I expect that if I did it would look like the image on the Internet. Back when I was a Birther this bothered me because it seemed fishy that a $10 document was so scarce.

        But, when the long form image was released, and Hawaii put it on their state government pages that it was real, then the possibility of it being phony decreased way beneath the threshold of what concerned me. One, because the number of people involved is going up, which is dangerous for conspiracies. Two, some of the people from Hawaii have been Republicans.

        Theoretically it could be a fake, but then again so could the Moon Landings. The percentages of possibility of both are sooo small that it does not keep me up at nights.

        Add to that the fact that there is a very good explanation why Obama has not made the documents “touchable” – – – which is to continue to let his opponents fret and worry themselves over nonsense, and the percentage goes even further down.

        Add to that the fact that no other substantial contrary evidence has come to light in 4 years and the percentage keeps going down. Billionaires like Donald Trump have been looking and nothing has come to light even with his resources.

        At some point, it is just time to quit being suspicious.

        Squeeky Fromm
        Girl Reporter

        • jbjd

          SF, you write, “But, when the long form image was released, and Hawaii put it on their state government pages that it was real…” Please, can you provide a link or, quote the HI statement of authenticity? I found a link on the HI site, to the blog, on which the image is posted.

      • Northland10

        Squeeky, given her past experience gives the best answer, however, it is worth pointing out, the White House (and for the COLB, the campaign) released a PDF so you and I can see it. He was being nice to display it in the only practical way to show it to a large group. He is not entering it into evidence (though, the plaintiffs in Georgia were), but providing a service.

        If a court or state were to ask him to provide a certified copy, I imagine they would send a certified copy. To the best of my knowledge, they have not asked and neither has the Sheriff.

        I am certain you have asked to authenticate the birth certificate of every candidate, yes?

  • Monkey Boy

    Substitute prove for proves above. Squeeks, you really need to add an edit function.

    • Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter

      Hi Monkey Boy!!!

      I fixed it for you, and I looked for a way to let people edit their comments and could not find it. I did find a way for you to have better avatar-ish pictures. If there is a secret in WordPress, please let me know.

      Squeeky Fromm
      Girl Reporter

  • Thomas Brown

    David, nobody but a complete idiot or shameless liar would argue that anyone can declare a document a forgery based on an examination of an electronic image of it. And that is what Arpaio is doing. There can only be one of two conclusions drawn: either he is Sheriff Idiot or Sheriff Liar.

    Anyone who tried to argue in a court of law that there is probable cause to question an original document because they think there is “something fishy” about a .pdf of it would be met with peals of laughter that could shatter glass.

    Besides, EVERY SINGLE ARGUMENT that constitutes Arpaio’s “evidence” HAS BEEN SHOWN TO BE IN ERROR. We don’t have to “deal with” stuff that has been adequately debunked. And his investigation absolutely reeks of a partisan witch hunt, so why should ANYONE, even an honest conservative, take the bloody thing seriously?

    It’s all nonsense, David. Get over it.

    • David Farrar

      Thomas Brown,

      I am not sure Sheriff Arpaio has declared it a forgery. I think he said his prima facie evidence would suggest it is a forgery, which usually means a closer examination of the original documentation would now be in order.

      Now as to your third point: please state how Sheriff Arpaio’s evidence is in error, so we can take a close look at your allegation.

      ex animo

      • Reality Check

        Just what “prima facie” evidence might Sheriff Arpaio have? The musings of biased, non-qualified, self appointed “experts” would not qualify as prima facie evidence. A letter from the state of Hawaii attesting to the authenticity of the LFBC and COLB on the other hand would. I think you are actually too stupid to understand the difference. I do not say that lightly. I can say that after reading your court documents and Internet postings.

  • Monkey Boy

    … please state how Sheriff Arpaio’s evidence is in error, …

    Again, slowly: The State of Hawaii has vouched for the President’s birth certification, so, why would he need to forge one since he has the genuine thing…in two different formats.

  • David Farrar

    Monkey Boy,

    Even more slowly so that you and Squeeky can grasp the simple notion that the only thing Hawaiian official can state is that the information contained in Obama’s two birth certificates is the same they have in their records, not whether those records accurately reflect Obama’s true birth record. For that, we need independent corroborating evidence like Obama’s natal hospital records, admittance records, invoice and payment records, Hawaiian OBGYN records. As Sheriff Arpaio has state: “We found nothing that would substantiate Obama’s Hawaiian Health Department records.”

    When someone like Sheriff Arpaio, with twenty years of law enforcement, as well as an experienced Cold Posse team, again, with established experience in their fields, together with the “experts” they hired to authenticate their findings, say there is prime facie evidence that the image posted on his website is not what Obama claims, namely that it is simply a scanned image of his Hawaiian long form birth certificate, in a court of competent jurisdiction, that should be enough go to the document’s original source.

    As I have stated frequently enough, both here and in news broadcasts, “Nobody is saying Barack Obama isn’t qualified to take the oath of office of the presidency of the United States, but that, given his history and the amount of concealed backgrounds records he has chosen to block, he hasn’t sufficiently proven he has met his qualifications of office.

    ex animo

    • Monkey Boy

      Even more slowly so that you and Squeeky can grasp the simple notion that the only thing Hawaiian official can state is that the information contained in Obama’s two birth certificates is the same they have in their records, not whether those records accurately reflect Obama’s true birth record.

      When the fine and sovereign State of Georgia (assuming you were born there) provide you with a certification of birth, what are they attesting to? Inasmuch, as it is unlikely that any current official of the Bureau of Vital Statistics were around when you first saw the light of day, the only thing that they can attest to is what is already in their records. There is a strong presumption that those records are accurate, and no other corroboration is requested when you use that certification to obtain a driver’s license, a passport, or join a little league baseball team.

      Likewise, the certification of birth for the President is self-authenticating and needs no other corroboration.

      The silly demand to see the birth hospital records of the President is just that–silly. Additionally, no hospital is going to keep the records of an uneventful birth for fifty years, and you know it. You are just being duplicitous. But, there it is: birthers lie incessantly.

      • Monkey Boy

        provide becomes provides above.

      • David Farrar

        “There is a strong presumption that those records are accurate.”

        There is only a prima facie presumption that those records are correct, which is removed when prima facie impeachment evidence is presented into the record in a judicial proceeding.

        Again, let me stress: We are not trying to obtain a driver’s license, a passport, or join a little league baseball team here. When qualifying the President of the United States, nothing is self-authenticating when impeachment evidence is entered.

        Lastly, Kapiolani Matuirnity & Gynecological Hospital has stated it has all of its records for the year 1961.

        ex animo

        • Northland10

          Full Faith and Credit… that is the in Constitution. You could also explain the last time a President or candidate was required to submit a birth certificate and the form provided by the state was insufficient.

          Lastly, Kapiolani Matuirnity & Gynecological Hospital has stated it has all of its records for the year 1961.

          Proof of this?

        • Monkey Boy

          There is only a prima facie presumption that those records are correct, which is removed when prima facie impeachment evidence is presented into the record in a judicial proceeding.

          Again, you lie by implication. There has been NO “prima facie impeachment evidence” presented in a judicial proceeding, or in the media, or on the internet.

          Please don’t try to confuse us by citing the non-evidence of bogus analyses of a picture that you so disdain, for that would be [is] circular reasoning.

          The only credible impeachment evidence would be to prove that Stanley Ann Dunham Obama was not in Honolulu on August 4, 1961; and, of course, no one can.

    • Monkey Boy

      When someone like Sheriff Arpaio, with twenty years of law enforcement, as well as an experienced Cold Posse team, again, with established experience in their fields, together with the “experts” they hired to authenticate their findings, say there is prime facie evidence that the image posted on his website is not what Obama claims, namely that it is simply a scanned image of his Hawaiian long form birth certificate, in a court of competent jurisdiction, that should be enough go to the document’s original source

      The original source of the .jpg is in the White House and if–and when–it is needed, it will be supplied to competent authority.

      Tell me David, exactly what experience does Sheriff Joe and the Cold Case Pussies have as forensic document examiners? None. So, your grandiose claims of their competency is ridiculous.

      • Thomas Brown

        Not to mention that the whole gang of Cold Cut Pussies consists of blatantly, obviously biased Obama-haters. Only someone really stupid or utterly dishonest would ever claim that Joe “Pink Undies” Arpaio and his cabal are fair and objective investigators without pre-conceived conclusions or a partisan agenda.

        So please choose, David: are you really dumb, like RC claims, or can you salvage an appearance of intelligence by admitting your dishonesty?

      • David Farrar

        The Cold Case Posse hired forensic document examiners to arrive at their conclusion. As I have stated, Sheriff Arpaio knows how to properly develop evidence that can and will be entered into a court of law; that’s the very reason his findings are important.

        ex animo

  • David Farrar


    March 17th, 2012 at 12:22 pm

    “Full Faith and Credit… that is the in Constitution. You could also explain the last time a President or candidate was required to submit a birth certificate and the form provided by the state was insufficient.
    Lastly, Kapiolani Matuirnity & Gynecological Hospital has stated it has all of its records for the year 1961.
    Proof of this?”

    The last time this issue even came up was with Chester Arthur; who lied about his father’s nationality at the time of his birth several times during his political career, and gave instructions to burn a large percentage of his record at the time of his death. Other than Chester Arthur and Barack Obama, none have had dual allegiances at birth

    But I would hope should any other future elected President who is born with dual allegiances at birth should be likewise challenged by the electorate.

    The FF&C issue requires a Georgia court to treat the prima facie evidence of Barack Obama’s exactly like it would if the Court was looking at a Georgia certified birth certificate, as prima facie evidence, nothing more, nothing less.

    ex animo

    • Monkey Boy

      David, you can’t be wholly stupid. So, it follows that you are just dishonest. But, since you spout birfer nonsense, saying that is a redundancy.

      How do I know that you are not altogether stupid? Because, when you get asked a question that is embarrassing (in the colloquial sense, not in the legal sense), you obfuscate or try to misdirect with another non sequitur.

      What is the proof that ” Kapiolani Matuirnity & Gynecological Hospital” [sic] still has records from 1961?

      What is the basis of the extraordinary assertion that Chester Arthur “lied about his father’s nationality?” Oops, please don’t quote the Parakeet, inasmuch as his “evidence” is manufactured or imaginary.

    • Thomas Brown



    • Thomas Brown

      Sorry, I should have put “investigation” in quotes, because it is really only a trumped-up tissue-of-lies smear campaign, not a real investigation.


  • Reality Check

    I just love the way David Farar is lecturing Squeeky’s readers on prima facile evidence. This would be the same David Farar who was one of around 10 plaintiffs who lost to an empty table and whose clown of an attorney put on one of the funniest presentations in the history of litigation when she called herself to the stand in the middle of closing. Then the clown was denied admission in a real court

    Meanwhile two more of his filings (written by the clown?) have gone down the tube. Keep up the lessons, please. After you educate us we could be ready for advanced classes at Taft Law Skool.

  • Reality Check

    Damn the iPad

    Farar = Farrar
    facile = facie

  • David Farrar

    Okay, Monkey Boy,

    I told Squeeky before the Georgia trial I would try and honestly explain our side of the equation. But it’s difficult when I am force to deal with such silly, infantile ad hominem attacks.

    The records of Kapiolani Matuirnity & Gynecological Hospital speak for themselves.

    A far as Chester Arthur is concerned, he too is the only other elected president who had a duel allegiance birth. His natural born Citizenship status was questioned during his political career, perhaps not successfully, but such is the power of the Presidency. As far as Chester Arthur not telling the truth about the time his father was naturalized, there are records and these records also speak for themselves.

    When you learn to discuss these issues within the boundaries of a civilized discourse; I shall be glad to cite my sources. Until then, you well just have to do your own homework!

    ex animo

    • Northland10

      “The records of Kapiolani Matuirnity & Gynecological Hospital speak for themselves.”

      What records? You have made a claim so, if you want anybody to take it seriously you need to cite a source?

    • TheEuropean

      Mr. Farrar,

      either you have a very short memory or you are dishonest. Didn´t you – before his decision – declare to accept whatever Judge Malihi would decide. And now Dr. DentLaw O´rly Tits is preparing for you this:






      Some people may call you a lier.


      The European

  • Monkey Boy


    The rules of civilized discourse require all parties to have a semblance of honesty. When you prevaricate and attempt to mis-direct you waive the protection of those rules.

    You make up a lie about Kapiolani hospital keeping records for fifty years without citing any source; you, again, fabricate a story (or maybe just repeat the fabrication) of a dead Chester Arthur lying about his father–again, without a citation.

    • Thomas Brown

      Not to mention when you ignore a plain, simple, direct question: DO YOU THINK ARPAIO’S “INVESTIGATION” FAIR AND UNBIASED OR NOT?

      Sometimes when you’re paranoid, they really are out to get you. Similarly, when you are dishonest, evasive, and mendacious, calling you out for it is not an Ad Hominem attack; it is an accurate description. Your statements have been exposed as lies; that makes you a liar. If it’s a fact, it isn’t slander.

      • David Farrar

        Judge Malihi made the decision he thought was right, which is all I ask of anyone. That doesn’t mean he was right, or that he didn’t make an error in arriving at his level of judicial notice.

        As we stated in our appeal: we believe we were unfairly prejudiced when Defendant Obama withdrew from the case. The testimony and evidenced provided wasn’t meant to prove Barack Obama was actually a liar, a fraud, or forger. It was simply presented to impeach the Defendant’s prima facie evidence.

        ex animo

      • David Farrar

        Sheriff Arpaio’s investigation either stands on its own, or it doesn’t. I, like many of you here, haven’t the wherewithal to do an investigation that would come close to taking the measure of this effort one way or another. The normal course to follow at this point is to get Sheriff Arpaio’s “evidence” entered into a court of law to determine its veracity; don’t you think?

        ex animo

        • Thomas Brown

          That’s some first-rate weaseling, there, David.

          Everything alleged bu the Cold Cut Pussies has been disproved, WILL NOT “stand on its own,” and will get no traction with any Court. It is utter horse crap, and you are a fool to give it any creedence whatsoever.

        • Thomas Brown

          “No one has my respect would claim that this posse was fair and unbiased or that their methodology was valid.” -Doc Conspiracy

          Your reponse implies you think exactly that. I can only conclude you are entirely without honor and undeserving of respect.

  • Monkey Boy

    I wager that we have seen the last of Hon. D. Farrar on this thread. He has been busted red-handed lying and he can’t avoid responsibility for it. He’ll now slink back to birferville, tail between the legs, for sustenance and psychological reinforcement before foraying out to try his luck again.

    I’ll be waiting.

  • Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter

    Hi jbjd!!!

    I really enjoyed you on the radio show the other night and think you did a really good job of explaining your position.

    Here is the link to the Hawaii page which has the links:

    On that page you can see the Hawaii release letters and a link to the White House site “for information.”

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

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